
Blessed By Seeing The Way Ahead

(Within the book Sacajaweh by Waldo, the life story of the Shoshone Indian leader, is woven a historic vision).

Grandmother finally speaks about her vision which she has held secret until it is nearly time for her to die. As she tells her Granddaughter Sacajawea, which means Grass Child in Shoshone Native American Indian, this young woman listens and memorizes Grandmother's visionary expression. For, there will be times later that Sacajawea will remember the vision and will take from it hope and understanding.  The vision will confirm that she is on God's intended path for her life.

In truth the vision serves a dual purpose. First, Sacajaweh uses the vision  to reconnect with loving memories of her Grandmother and God's love for her personally. Secondly, Sacajaweh finds confirmation that the events of her life to which she must succomb are not without purpose.  Understanding that her purpose is in her words gives her self-confidence to stand with assurance, endure hardship, and to speak out even when women are barred from speaking or leading with their words.

Sacajaweh's life was on the path of purpose-- intended for God's use to promote God's Peace shared within tribes and nations.  Like Sacajaweh, a vision can help to clarify our action path of life also. Scriptures affirm that: Without a vision the people perish. (Proverbs 29:18)   God may give a vision to you through a Grandmother's spoken imagery, a seasoned believer in your life, or may communicate with you directly through the Holy Spirit.

Actually, an empowering Vision already exists right now.  This Vision operates in the background for all believers in Christ and His path for right living holds within it standing-orders!   Within this Vision the Lord shows you His Truth and commands that you speak words of truth always.  Within His Vision is His directive to offer His Good News, especially News that He Lives (our Resurrected Christ). 

Using your words for Jesus Christ to let your family, community, and your world know that Christ is the only way to God's Vision for all creation is our priority.  And within that Vision is the vision of a special purpose as you succ
omb to life as a servant opportunities and give others words of the Lord's hope, healing, and salvation.