
Orphan or Not

     A few people were asked, "What is one lesson which you have learned from your parents?"  An answer should come easily.  One man found this so.  Orphaned in this teens, he said that his lessons were put to immediate use when his parents died, given many lessons he used in every part of his life.  He is a living legacy of lessons.   Lessons his folks got from Christ.

     Learning from your parents?  Parents are launching pads.  Launching for readiness. You're on your own, getting a real footing in life. It's a timely process that takes courage and prayers. Great parents say, "Be generous in love, food, friendship and caring."  Great lessons!  Sooner or later generosity finds faith's doorway.

     Generosity toughens you because sometimes others bat it away with rejection. A small number will miss your intent but most people will actually get it. Intend to leave someone with an impression of Holy generosity.  Why? Because out of God's generosity we've been given our Savior, Christ.  Christ gives us loving unity with God our heavenly parent. So, be generous with love, food, friendship, and His caring.

                                  Those who are generous are blessed  Proverbs 22:9


Remember Jesus And The Fig Tree

Look at Jesus and the Fig Tree in Matthew 22. When Jesus stands before the fig tree and the tree has no fruit ready for the Savior of the World He curses the fig tree and it dies.

Lest you think that cursing is taking God's name in vain, think again. Holy ones never take God's name in vain and use it to curse. Jesus' curse is this: "May you never bear fruit again." The disciples have their eyes fixed on the withered tree as they ask, "How did the fig tree wither so quickly?" Their eyes should have been fixed on Jesus.

Jesus responds, "I tell you truly, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to the mountain,'Go throw yourself into the sea,' and it will be done." Faith without doubt gets results.

You have to choose your faith type, my friend. There are two types of faith in Christ. Either choose passive faith or choose active faith. Passive faith includes the believer reading the Bible, going to Church, and praying for his/her family-- but this believer does not speak faith or 'do' faith. This is negative living as a Christian and negative living involves a lot of doubting.

Jesus wants you to choose faith without doubt. Jesus shows you how to have active faith. Active faith happens when you use Christ's teachings and put your faith in Christ into action. Faith results can be seen and the results can be measured. Jesus declares active faith DOES bear fruit, it bears results.

Jesus wants your faith active. So,when a friend tells you about someone who is ill and then you respond by joining with them in prayer, believing without doubt, then you are using active faith. There will be an outcome. There will be results. Outcomes and results are fruits. Face the troubles others have in their lives. Use active faith and encourage other believers to adopt active faith. Faith has results.

Now as you practice active faith there may be times when you are unsure what to do in a situation and you do not know how to help someone else. Take your uncertainty to Jesus in prayer and receive His guidance. He will always guide you to respond with active faith. You are to do something Christ- like in love, with kindness, and peace.


First Steps

My grandson is now taking his first steps.  As with all kids, he does not look down in order to avoid the things in his path, he simply plants each foot firmly while looking straight ahead.  He does not stumble unless he steps on a block or a toy and instinctively, as his foot begins to slip, he sits down so that he does not fall down.  Seeing this, I swiftly learn to pull toys out of his way to give a clear path.

The Apostle Paul may have noticed such a child in his life for he a lesson about walking for each believer.

In Corinthians Paul writes:  For we walk by faith not by sight. (2 Corinthians 5:7)  Paul instructs believers to live each day with faith's focus on holy living and trusting Him.  And as you faith-walk, Christ undergirds your thoughts and actions, clearing His way before you.

I see my grandson's face intent as he masters walking. Faith-walking is similar.  Although the slip-ups of disappointment, distraction, and situational drama are in your pathway and temp you to slip-up, you can sit/pause, then get up again.  The lesson learned is that in order to get up you will look to Christ, and He makes you able to arise again and walk by faith not by sight. 


Blessed By Seeing The Way Ahead

(Within the book Sacajaweh by Waldo, the life story of the Shoshone Indian leader, is woven a historic vision).

Grandmother finally speaks about her vision which she has held secret until it is nearly time for her to die. As she tells her Granddaughter Sacajawea, which means Grass Child in Shoshone Native American Indian, this young woman listens and memorizes Grandmother's visionary expression. For, there will be times later that Sacajawea will remember the vision and will take from it hope and understanding.  The vision will confirm that she is on God's intended path for her life.

In truth the vision serves a dual purpose. First, Sacajaweh uses the vision  to reconnect with loving memories of her Grandmother and God's love for her personally. Secondly, Sacajaweh finds confirmation that the events of her life to which she must succomb are not without purpose.  Understanding that her purpose is in her words gives her self-confidence to stand with assurance, endure hardship, and to speak out even when women are barred from speaking or leading with their words.

Sacajaweh's life was on the path of purpose-- intended for God's use to promote God's Peace shared within tribes and nations.  Like Sacajaweh, a vision can help to clarify our action path of life also. Scriptures affirm that: Without a vision the people perish. (Proverbs 29:18)   God may give a vision to you through a Grandmother's spoken imagery, a seasoned believer in your life, or may communicate with you directly through the Holy Spirit.

Actually, an empowering Vision already exists right now.  This Vision operates in the background for all believers in Christ and His path for right living holds within it standing-orders!   Within this Vision the Lord shows you His Truth and commands that you speak words of truth always.  Within His Vision is His directive to offer His Good News, especially News that He Lives (our Resurrected Christ). 

Using your words for Jesus Christ to let your family, community, and your world know that Christ is the only way to God's Vision for all creation is our priority.  And within that Vision is the vision of a special purpose as you succ
omb to life as a servant opportunities and give others words of the Lord's hope, healing, and salvation.


Jesus' Love in Action

A woman, whose Doctor had sent her into the nursing home because of its reputation for great physical therapy, struggled to roll herself to the Chapel.  She'd heard the announcement Sunday afternoon that the Worship service would start at 2 p.m. and she remembered the Chapel was at the other side of the home. The announcer said, "The Chapel message today is 'Jesus Is Our Everything.'"  By the time she'd made it 3/4 of the way to the Chapel she felt like her arms would fall out of their sockets.  She was so tired of rolling herself she just quit.

Seeing her from a long way off, the Spirit filled volunteer quickly found her and slowly continued her roll. He told her that the place they humorously called the Sardine Chapel was just up ahead and warmly encouraged her to fit her wheelchair in the back outside the entryway so she could hear the singing, preaching, and Holy Communion.  She was late.  She'd heard them singing three songs already; O How I Love Jesus, What A Friend We Have In Jesus, and I Need Thee Every Hour.  She hated to be late and she was last too.

Nothing had gone right for her lately.  She couldn't sleep right at the home, couldn't figure out the t.v set controls, couldn't find food that tasted, couldn't find her toothbrush, and couldn't stop the aching in her body- especially her left shoulder.  It hurt like the dickens after the Doctor had set her collar bone for the second time in a month.  Two heart attacks had caused two falls, two breaks, and now she was banned from walking until her legs got strong again.  She'd been to Church every Sunday of her life until now.  She'd missed three Sundays and she felt hungrier than she'd ever been for Church again.

As she rolled up to the small Chapel nineteen were already stuffed inside.  Sardine Chapel it was!  She heard the last of the chorus being sung, 'O bless me now my Savior, I come to Thee.' The minister looked right at her and said, "It takes some of us a long time to get to the Chapel and I have this sticker-ribbon that says 'WINNER' on it and you are the winner today!  This is the first time we've done this, given out a ribbon for getting here last.  You got here and I welcome you to Worship today!  Welcome, we love you already!  I love you."  Someone stuck the red winner sticker on her and they put it  on her broken collar bone side of her shirt.

After more singing (Blessed Assurance), the preaching about Jesus' healing of the man let down through the roof, taking Communion, she felt like she was a little better.  As she was first to leave because she was last to get there, the Minister came over and anointed her for healing, "In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, receive Jesus' healing," making the sign of the cross on her forehead and then she was off to anoint all the others.

The woman now rolled off to the side of those exiting and sat still and a post.  It now occurred to her that all of her pain had left her.  All of it.  Her eyes began to tear a bit with the relief of it. She thought it was something that Jesus had touched her and loved on her.  It was something that Holiness had revived her.  And after many many thank you's to Jesus she wondered, 'Is that what Jesus meant when He said the last shall be first?'  After everyone had left, winner rolled over to tell her Minister.


The Plumb Line

Christ was a carpenter. His childhood surroundings included the workshop of Joseph. As the oldest Child, it was Jesus' role to learn the trade of Joseph. In that humble workshop there were many tools used by a carpenter. We have tools with similar purposes today. One of these is the plumb line.

The plumb line is a necessary tool for masons as well as carpenters. This weighted line tests the upright direction of a wall or others sloped surfaces. It is even used in garmet construction to indicate if seams hang straight.

When you read the Bible in your private time, the Holy Spirit brings special insight to you to aid you in correcting imbalances that you may have in your life. You think new thoughts, indecisions are guided to choice, and you discover a unique blending of your heart with the heart of Christ. The Scriptures activate God's plumb line for your life. Your heart is lifted vertically to Christ.

I treasure Your Word in my heart, so that I may not sin against You. Psalm 119:11


Then Jesus said, "Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing." Luke 23:34

Nancy's toddler was a hitter.  He'd go to play-school for a couple of hours in the morning then come home to receive lunch and a nap.  When Nancy would pick him up at play-school the caretakers would tell her that they had had to put him into time-out twice because he hit another toddler.  They suggested that the mothers get the two toddlers together for an afternoon of play at one of the parent's homes.  An ingenious suggestion.   When the kids got together the hit happened.  One cried.  Then both cried.  The hitter finally understood hurt.

It's a dawn of understanding that comes to all of us, especially on a day like today.  We are in the midst of Lent, the 40 days before Easter not including Sundays.  We've crossed thru Ash Wednesday where we remind ourselves that our lives will not last forever.  We revisit and recognize that each day of Lent reminds us.  Christ experienced dying, like us, but His was on a cruel cross-- a place of humiliation as well as death.  It is a pain-filled ending.  He had given so much-- healing, teaching, loving, and raising from the dead.  Yet, there He was, fully hurting on the cross.

Our lives cannot be lived without pain and sorrow.  Jesus knows our hurt, pain, and sorrow because He has also felt these.  It is from the cross Christ tells us how to deal with hurt.  We are to find the way to forgive.  Through forgiveness there is healing, wholeness and hope.  When we extend forgiveness our faith widens.  Faith, found in the wideness of Christ's arms stretched out on the cross.


Draw Nearer To Jesus

Jesus is filled with Holy Spirit

Draw your heart nearer to Him while you are in humble prayer.  His abundant compassion for you will allow you to recognize the element of heartfelt compassion for others that He's put within you during your time with Him.  Act on that compassionate motivation!

And because you are with Jesus you will recognize temptation to deny Him.  Use the powerful strength of a believer to turn from temptation and testing by total dependance on Jesus.   His strength is your strength. 

After you leave a time of humble prayer with Jesus give Him thanks over and over again.  Thanks for what Jesus has done for you by dying on the cross.  Thanks for saving you from deathly sin.  Thanks that He is already answering prayers.  Thanks that you have love, purpose, and new life.

Continue to center on Jesus as you reference the whole chapter of Luke 3, and make His answers your answers. 

Jesus is filled with Holy Spirit, you are filled with Holy Spirit.


The Experience of Hope

Hope is an integral part of faith in Jesus-- Jesus responds when you expect with hopeful expectation.  Hope is expectation that Jesus gives the victory, is blessing you to be a blessing, and that you trust Him to act.  Read the Scripture below and look for faith's hope in a blind man's day.

'As Jesus approached Jericho, a blind man was sitting by the roadside begging.  When he heard the crowd going by, he asked what was happening.  They told him, "Jesus of Nazareth is passing by."  He called out, "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!"  Those who led the way rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more, "Son of David, have mercy on me!"  Jesus stopped and ordered the man to be brought to him. When he came near, Jesus asked him,  "What do you want me to do for you?" "Lord, I want to see," he replied.  Jesus said to him, "Receive your sight; your faith has healed you."  Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus, praising God. When all the people saw it, they also praised God.'  Luke 18:35-33

Hope causes us to cry out to Jesus and ask for His help.  When we are in His presence we realize that we're meeting with the most compassionate person alive!