
Orphan or Not

     A few people were asked, "What is one lesson which you have learned from your parents?"  An answer should come easily.  One man found this so.  Orphaned in this teens, he said that his lessons were put to immediate use when his parents died, given many lessons he used in every part of his life.  He is a living legacy of lessons.   Lessons his folks got from Christ.

     Learning from your parents?  Parents are launching pads.  Launching for readiness. You're on your own, getting a real footing in life. It's a timely process that takes courage and prayers. Great parents say, "Be generous in love, food, friendship and caring."  Great lessons!  Sooner or later generosity finds faith's doorway.

     Generosity toughens you because sometimes others bat it away with rejection. A small number will miss your intent but most people will actually get it. Intend to leave someone with an impression of Holy generosity.  Why? Because out of God's generosity we've been given our Savior, Christ.  Christ gives us loving unity with God our heavenly parent. So, be generous with love, food, friendship, and His caring.

                                  Those who are generous are blessed  Proverbs 22:9


Remember Jesus And The Fig Tree

Look at Jesus and the Fig Tree in Matthew 22. When Jesus stands before the fig tree and the tree has no fruit ready for the Savior of the World He curses the fig tree and it dies.

Lest you think that cursing is taking God's name in vain, think again. Holy ones never take God's name in vain and use it to curse. Jesus' curse is this: "May you never bear fruit again." The disciples have their eyes fixed on the withered tree as they ask, "How did the fig tree wither so quickly?" Their eyes should have been fixed on Jesus.

Jesus responds, "I tell you truly, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to the mountain,'Go throw yourself into the sea,' and it will be done." Faith without doubt gets results.

You have to choose your faith type, my friend. There are two types of faith in Christ. Either choose passive faith or choose active faith. Passive faith includes the believer reading the Bible, going to Church, and praying for his/her family-- but this believer does not speak faith or 'do' faith. This is negative living as a Christian and negative living involves a lot of doubting.

Jesus wants you to choose faith without doubt. Jesus shows you how to have active faith. Active faith happens when you use Christ's teachings and put your faith in Christ into action. Faith results can be seen and the results can be measured. Jesus declares active faith DOES bear fruit, it bears results.

Jesus wants your faith active. So,when a friend tells you about someone who is ill and then you respond by joining with them in prayer, believing without doubt, then you are using active faith. There will be an outcome. There will be results. Outcomes and results are fruits. Face the troubles others have in their lives. Use active faith and encourage other believers to adopt active faith. Faith has results.

Now as you practice active faith there may be times when you are unsure what to do in a situation and you do not know how to help someone else. Take your uncertainty to Jesus in prayer and receive His guidance. He will always guide you to respond with active faith. You are to do something Christ- like in love, with kindness, and peace.